Help Me!
There are those days, as a homeschool mom, when I think to myself, "Aha! This is why people send their kids to school." We were under a bit of a mutiny around here. I was completely overwhelmed. The girls were complaining about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G I asked them to do. They were sluggish, and (may I say it?) quite LAZY. Dillon was interrupting every 5 minutes (no, I am NOT exagerrating) beg/whining me to fix his Mario problems on the Wii, and I was single-handedly trying to manage all of this on top of ridiculously huge projects (like canning and baking and harvesting foods)! Thank God, Matt had some time off to step in and establish order. I asked him to take over and lead us for a few days. You know, it can be hard to submit to authority and rely on someone else, but this time it felt so freeing! He has such a unique perspective from mine. He doesn't put up with bologna from the kids, and he doesn't try to save the planet one le...