Multitasking and the Homeschool Mom
Multitasking and the Homeschool Mom May 1, 2012 I've read that multitasking is actually counterproductive - that by multitasking, and continually redirecting our brains, we are actually wasting valuable time. Apparently, we are more efficient if we eliminate the time it takes to switch back and forth between tasks. I'm sure the data included mistakes, which are most likely more common when we are trying to do more than what our brains can handle at once. I would argue to tell that to the homeschool mom who is preparing dinner (which has to be completed and consumed in time for 5:00 lessons), staring at her two-year-old son (who is telling her he just "soiled" his underwear) AND trying to silence her daughter who is FRANTICALLY begging for help with her schoolwork. Multitasking is my life! We multitask homeschool and sub-urban farming! Sure, I would love to put everything down and go at it all one at a time. Well...actually, I probably w...