Family Blog - Our First Sanibel Trip 2015

Sanibel, Florida Day One

WOW!  Traveling with 6 is definitely not for wimps!  We got up at 6 early start for the O’Haras, who prefer to wake up closer to noon. 

We all had a carry-on bag plus a personal item bag.  I had the stroller with Evan in it, and Matt carried his car seat. 

We practiced before-hand, but that did not prepare us for the packed airplane we were about to meet.  Fortunately, DELTA pleaded twice for “volunteers” to check their carry-on bags.  

“Yes and AMEN!” 
By the second call, we offered to step in as tribute.  And THANK GOD we did.  I don’t know how we expected to make it with so many bags and all these kids.

Dillon sat by the window.  He did GREAT!...they all did.  Eden gave up the window to Dillon, and Xander gave up her iPhone to Evan and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…which the whole airplane got to appreciate during our taxi to take-off.

We got early boarding, awkward seat arrangement, but at least the seats were assigned, and we were relatively together.  Evan did great the first set.  He even fell asleep. 

We carried Evan through the airport (asleep) in his car seat.  It made a heavy load, but he stayed asleep throughout the mad rush to cross from Gate A to Gate B2 in 30 minutes.  It turned out all right, and we were glad he slept…and that we ran into a kind pilot who directed us to our destination.

I was so grateful to see the entire row of seats empty among the other passengers…just waiting for our arrival!   The plane seemed nicer, but the boys were a little more restless.  I had to fight Evan to quit kicking the seat in front of him.  Finally, I let him get out and passed him back and forth between Matt and myself…across the aisle.

…and then, we had the baggage to get…the waiting…Matt getting the car rental…the waiting…Evan is SOOOO done with traveling and being buckled…the waiting.  We took off in 9 degree weather, and by the end of the trip, I was sweating it out in humid 70’s…grateful for air conditioning.  How can two states on one continent be so drastically different?

We had about an hour drive, and I cannot explain the relief to finally arrive! 
We walked to the beach.  Collected abundant shells.  Watched the sun set.  Talked with a lady gathering wild purslane.  Came home and ate a lovely ham and potato dinner that Deb had prepared for us.  The kids went swimming in the screened-in pool, while I unpacked.  They watched TV with Mike and Debbie and Matt, while I slipped away to a quite reading nook and had one of my most cherished quiet times ever (with Xander's beloved Mockingjay). 

And now, I just can't figure out which camp I'm in...Gale or Peeta?  What a beautiful tragedy!

So far, I am definitely LOVING Sanibel.  πŸ’•



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