The Good, The Bad, and the Road Rage
I am a firm believer in acceptance. I am all about diversity. So much so, because I am so diverse within myself. My moods often change from one minute to the next! I mean, I've never been really big on conformity. I love long as I am in charge of it. 😁 I am drawn to unique, different, diverse. It's part of why I love my job. I am all over the place, stretched out over 3 counties and 20 schools. I see different people every single day, and often times I am in multiple different places within one day. Never too long in one spot (I was not good with the whole classroom gig, same place every day 8 to 4. That was way too rigid for me.) I just love diversity. And I love people. I mean...collectively, I hate them. But individually, I just love ALL people, and I want to give them a GREAT BIG HUG! I love all people...except...the ones who are in front of me, behind me or beside me in my car...