What's Your Name?
Sometimes people get my name wrong. Sometimes I correct them. But my absolute favorite is when someone calls me "Christian," and I never, never ask them to change it. It is my favorite! There is a lady at Synergy. I didn't know her name until I'd been interning for all of about 6 months. (It is easy to miss things in that place! I also didn't know, for months, my work bestie was married to a co-worker OR that two a-stinking-dorable other co-workers were dating!) Anyway, when I finally figured out her name, I was so proud I had to share it. Every time she would walk by my office, I would shout, "Hi, KAREN!" like I deserved an award for being so smart. She's a diva, and she's super sweet, so she got a big kick out of it, and she took great pause to shout back, "Hi, Christian!" (SERIOUSLY LOVE her!!) When someone accidentally calls me "Christian," I beam inside, and I tell myself the mistake is "Freudian....