Hair Cuts and Bathroom Remodel

 Oh my! I am watching all the Spring Break travel photos and thinking how I’m slaving away in this bathroom remodel all day. (Can I get a little sympathy?)

Real Barber Hair Cuts

I mean...well ok. Mostly Matt is slaving away, and I come by to help when it’s convenient...but SOMEBODY has to maintain the home. Am I right?!!
I put my girls on a plane to my dream vacation this afternoon...meanwhile, I learned to cut tile and am getting quite good at it. (Can you believe he allows me to participate in such ways?!!! Forget about careless and clueless...let’s start calling me Careful Kristen. How bout that?!)

Dillon's Great Clips Cut

Since Matt is slaving away...seriously...all day every day for 2 weeks now!  πŸ˜±.....I decided to give him a break on the diy cuts.

Looking Good

The boys had their first haircut out of the house (or neighbor’s)!

Hot Shot
They were amazed at how quick it was...and they are officially sold on the Great Clips experience!

I mean...their Dad definitely has talent!...but it is painfully slow and calculated.

After all...he is not trained in construction OR cosmetology. So...we are just grateful he is willing to diy and save us LOTS!

And please don’t think I didn’t do my part. Once again this built-in baby b was all mine on the bathroom remodel round 2.  She’s still a work in progress. And she happens to be one of my favorite features of the home.

And she is not making it easy to give her new life. The gray is working, but the odd-sized pulls are gonna be tough. Last time we just kept the old.  πŸ€·‍♀️. But I’m working with black matte and not silver this round, so...  #oldhousebathroomremodel😭😭

Now don’t go getting too feel sorry for me...I mean definitely some, I like the attention...but don't fear, I somehow managed to find a few minutes of peace amidst all the work.

Evan officially backed out of baseball. My heart is relieved. And if I told you what convinced him, you would understand. In the is sports home edition for this little guy.  

Sports...and bubble blowing. I mean...that’s actually a sport, too. We love the big bubble blowing competition around here. And, just enjoying the weather.

Work and fun. Work and fun. (And the never ending laundry!!). Sometimes the balance is off...but...we do our best. And that’s all we can manage. All in all, I think we are a fortunate lot.

Congratulations! You made it through Monday. I hope and pray it’s a good week!  

G’night to all and to all a good night!


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