Happy February

Happy February!!  It happens to be one of my favorite months.  πŸ˜  No bias, of course.

As brute as he can be...he has his moments.  Jesse sure can be sweet sometimes.  If only we could get past the NOT sweet times.

I had a happy balance of appointments and down-time to plan this week.  As it turns out, Sunday was probably our most hectic day.  What do you do?  When you live with health care, you have to be adaptable, because this schedule is flightier than my moods.

I managed to get a Facebook page,  Instagram and Linked In for Kristen O'Hara Counseling.    Thanks to all who have already put in the effort to support through likes, comments, referrals, etc.  I love this job!

I am definitely thinking ahead.  I don't know that it will be sustainable to keep all three going.  I barely even post to my knitting pages anymore.  I may have to archive...or let them sit, so I can streamline my focus.  I would miss the blog, for sure, but...we'll see.  I have to invest my time wisely, now that I am self-employed.  God is definitely providing, and I am inexplicably grateful for this new life-style.  I have been working so hard for so many years, it is definitely an adjustment to not bulldoze through every single day.  But, thank God!  I was definitely burning out fast.  

General US political climate.  Matt warned me against this, but...tell me I'm wrong.

Don't get me wrong...just being a mom of 4 is a full-time job.  And I never know when a great need will suddenly arise and completely shift my plans for the day.  I've still managed a couple of shockingly intense days this week, but it is buffered by some slow ones, for now.

In fact, I spent one of them planning an AMAZING lesson for my classroom counseling day this week...and we got snowed out.  πŸ˜±  Ah well, I wasn't really done planning, and the snow day gave me a well-timed opportunity to finish at a reasonable pace.  I managed to reschedule, so all is not in vain!

Also...my kids took my kids sledding.  So that makes momming a little easier.  I doubt just every mom can  even say those words.  

My wonderful, mini-me.  One day she will accept it.  For now...I'm still pretty irrelevant.  πŸ˜‚

Still...It didn't stop me from expecting sympathy when I told the "only child" mom at baseball practice this week how many kids I had.  She said, "Oh good for you."  

"No...I wasn't bragging. I was hoping for a little more understanding." πŸ˜‚

I know.  I know!!  I am completely and utterly blessed.  However, joking about my life ALSO helps me cope through the madness.

And speaking of baseball practice (it was his first one of the season!), in the context of that 2 hours, I got to see one former student in person and hear from another on the phone.  Such a perfect display of the random surprises that greet me each day.

Like the surprise I got this week, when I received a book I ordered.  Flashback 1995!  I have to admit...it was better than the Cranberries "Linger" surprise I got at baseball practice, which has been stuck in my head.  (Teens were running the joint.  Seriously, who randomly added that one???!!). Ah well...I did love Delores (may she rest in peace πŸ˜…)...just not one for surprises.  Especially of the flashback kind.  The floppy (hard) disk was pretty cool to see, though.

Sometimes the surprises are good.  Sometimes...not so much.  I am learning to work with it, either way.

I have to admit, despite the new less committed schedule, I was completely enervated by Grandparent's Day on Friday.  (I mean, I wasn't supposed to be a participant anyway.  I was just a ride.). I caught myself feeling quite crabby and reclusive, despite my occasional helpfulness.  And, if I'm truly honest, I haven't fully recovered.  Is it just me, or shall I expect adulting to be eternally exhausting?  Or...should I call my doctor?

Oh, man, am I blessed.  πŸ’•

Who knows.  I guess "this is the way."  πŸ’ 

Happy I-Actually-Got-It-Done-On Sunday!  I hope you have a good week.

Your Homie (by which, I mean to say, friend!)

K. Shanna


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