Hey there! It's Officially Spring.

It appears I have fallen into an every other week blogging routine.  I'd say that is better than nothing!  Even if some little entries have to be short and sweet.

I'm finding that I don't exactly have MORE time since I left MU.  However, I do have more freedom with my time.  It's just...there is so much around here desiring my time.  I still end up spinning plates.  

And in many ways, I am feeling so much healthier: mentally, physically, spiritually.  For example, Matt makes me take these pictures, and despite my inner critic and my utter discomfort...I choose to see myself through his eyes.  And I post them.

And speaking of time...Spring Break breezed through here like a hurricane.  I spent a lot of time on little cleaning projects that have been on my to-do for about a year.  Despite a pity-party here and there as I watched others post their vacation pics, it is ALWAYS a relief when I get to the nitty-gritty around here.  I feel so...ahhhhhh....fresh!

I do love spring!!! (and cleanliness). And today is the first day of my favorite season, and I am finishing up this lovely weather day feeling pretty divine.  I did work a bit during the break, and Matt had a HORRIBLE stretch: 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, on call.  EWWWWWWWWW!  (I am praying for a rare no call in tomorrow!!) But, overall, I can't complain.

I've had enough Jesse time to fill my entire LIFE!  Dear God, PLEASE...send help! 😱

I had a four day weekend to capstone the celebration, and I sincerely appreciated the extra time (which included NOT having to wake up at obscene hours of the morning and taxing the boys to and from school.  That's what I call a vacation!).

Unfortunately, we are ALL completely off schedule.  (Actually woke up at 4:30 one morning to hear the boys STILL AWAKE!!!!). Also, spring break happened to fall at a time during which we could basically ignore Daylight Savings.  So...we are IN for it tomorrow.  (And this is why I need YOU, also, to pray for a rare no-call day.  Matt does mornings so much better than I, obviously, ever will.)

But...back to gratitude.  Do you know what I LOVE about the weekend?  When I am rested enough to have the energy and motivation to CREATE!  Like REALLY create...total wacko go big or go home kind of projects. For example, I am currently still working on my hand-pulled wool yarn Icelandic sweater project.  (In case you are new here...Iceland was about 2-3 years ago.)  Even more, I have the Starry Night Cross-stitch that I will NOT give up.  (I am 3-4 years in??? and ALMOST halfway done.). Baby...it's gonna be GAHHHHHGEOUS.  Seriously.  Epic.

Speaking of epic projects and Matt...I made him back off and let this kid actually DO the building on this lego project.  I totally stood my ground NO GLUE!!  πŸ˜‚. Most of us felt good about that.  πŸ’• (*on Matt's behalf...ask me about the Lego Millennium Falcon project sometime.  It was a tragic, traumatic affair.)

There hasn't been a lot of time and energy left over around here to make progress on the BIG projects.  I've had to settle with the go-to easy, no thinking, productive ones: dish cloths, wash cloths, simple blankets.  

But this weekend...oh this weekend...I prevailed.  

My sweater is finished up to the armpits, including a sleeve and a half-sleeve.  What is left but to finish the sleeve, the yoke, and button bands??? You guys, we are closing in on pictures and blog-post time!!  And, let's face it...I know I will NEVER be satisfied with the finished product.  The real point for me is: I DID that, and I have a blog to prove it!!  

Like this. πŸ‘†. I made that!  Well...the kid.  One of four epic creations in which I had a MAJOR role.  Kids who can make things like...Lego Bonzai Trees...all on her own.  Pretty epic, if you ask me.

I do so love productivity, along with natural, from scratch, made-from-the-earth projects.  It's just pretty rare I get the opportunity to actually finish them.  (However negative the environmental impact, there is something to be said about the industrial revolution.  Life is HARD without machines.  I know.  On top of all my projects, I've also watched countless docu-series!)

Ah well...this is why I have found my happy little medium, "farming" in the suburbs.

And speaking of the farm...fyi, the goats are back at Feldman's.  Fortunately, unfortunately...they are all sold out.  I really thought he would make a good therapy pet for the office.  πŸ™

And now.  Break is over, people.  Get back to work!  

I will see you, when I see you.  :)




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