Friday Night, Saturday Morning (The Specials) - SURPRISE
Let's start with the canopy...which really begins with the budget: Recently, Matt has taken over the family budget. It was my decision, to be honest. He tends to be the party pooper when it comes to all of my exceptionally good ideas, often revolving around some of my purchasing. (Secretly, the most likely reason I hoarded the budgeting responsibility. But I never once lied about my purchases! I just eased him in on my decisions. 😬) he sees everything directly - live action style. And he doesn't always happen to see the value in the things I value. Like...the canopy. Ok. To his credit, I was getting a little out of control with my spending. I bought a bunch of things for the office, some things for the great nephews, some things from my friend's AMAZING business (Insert plug for KC Pallet Hunters - 50% off or more. Check them out on FB!). Also to his credit, he has learned that most of my ideas really A...