Embracing the Falls
Ahhhh, life. So messy. So tragic. So contradictory and confusing. So out of my control. Still growing every day…growth just looks a little different (and more like deterioration on the surface. 😂). I prefer the inner growth. It’s less selfish and more enduring. (P.S. I don’t think my cousin ended up realizing his dreams of becoming a hair dresser???) We like to feel in control, don't we? We like to have our little worlds set up so safely - our work, our sports teams, our Starbuck's and chain restaurants, our little vacation spots...these things convince and assure us that we are all ok. When we are safe within the context of familiarity, we can hide from the irreconcilable truth. We literally have no control over anything in this life. I’m sorry. I said it. No matter our position or status or wealth, the truth eventually invades the confines of our falsely sheltered lives. (And most of us have no coping skills to d...