The Grand Finale...

Leaving Colorado was tough, and not just because we carried with us an unmentionable stowaway we'll just call "Walter."  We were also sad to be leaving a wonderful, beloved place.  As with all of our vacations, we had our ups and downs in Colorado.  I find (no matter how hard I focus on mindfulness and gratitude in the moment) I never tend to fully enjoy a vacation as much during the travels as I do in retrospect and reflection.  (Hence the blog...Is it just me???). 

I make an effort to appreciate the now and focus on the positive later.  Sometimes I even put aside the camera to force my focus.  (I'm glad I didn't do that this 👆 day!!)

With age comes wisdom.

We were a little nervous about the next and longest leg of our road trip.   We've never travelled through this part of the country. We did have that Yellowstone/Glacier National Park tour to remember that there are still parts of this country that remain VERY under populated.  There is a reason they call Montana "Big Sky."  There are hours upon hours where that's pretty much all you see.

I don't know what we were worried about, our drive through southwest Colorado and Northeastern Arizona were only nearly as bad as we anticipated... 

We had long since passed the bustling town of Durango...oh how I regretted letting THAT one get past us.  (I take it back!!  Let's fight the touristy crowd!!) It was somewhere between Teec Nos Pos and I'm-literally-going-to-have-to-pull-over-on-the-side-of-the-road (a bleak prospect, given I prefer to be a little bit discreet when optional...😳) that we FINALLY came across a little gas station.  

By this point, I was desperately begging God for a working restroom.  (I don't tend to stress too much about the practical things - like gas.  🤦‍♀️)  I DID notice - and took note of - a sign outside that pleaded "We are a small business.  The bathroom is for customers only, please."  

I prayed a prayer of gratitude and held a spot outside the single stall for each person in my company (in order of birth or priority) and encouraged them to pick WHATEVER they wanted while they waited.  I think we spent $100 just on snacks and treats (easily done with 7 people),  and it was worth every penny.  I told the kind cashiers I would have gladly paid $10 a piece just to use the restroom.  We parted on friendly terms, despite our extended commandeering of the facilities.

Fortunately, we started closing in on less sparsity and more options.  We stopped for food in Kayenta and pressed on to our destination.  

As it turns out, we were coming into the park on a Wednesday evening.  It also happened to be a "free National Parks visit day."  I had read so much about the crowds in the summer, but we did not experience any overwhelming issues.  The entrance was self-help by the time we entered, and there were only 2 other cars in front of us.  We were through the gate in a flash and passing through to the village.

On that topic...I had debated a lot of options for the trip.  I considered staying longer in the southwest and looked at some VRBO rentals in nearby towns...Williams, Sedona, Flagstaff.  I was just a little too far out of my element, and I had to break it down to priority.  What did I want to see???  EVERYTHING!  I literally want to see everything!  

I was a HUGE fan of the movie Tombstone in the past.  I always wanted to visit the OK Corral and anywhere that had anything to do with the Wild West (and Doc Holiday, for that matter).  But that was a kid’s dream, and my interests have shifted over the years.

I read a book with my first class of third graders (2001) called Too Many Tamales, and I've been fascinated with Gila monsters ever since.  Especially because I like their name...but hey...I'm ALWAYS happy to see new nature.  I have a pet cactus or two in the house, but it would be REALLY cool to see a bonafide SAGUARO!!  (You guys!! I want to see a saguaro!!  Like seriously, in real life.  We didn't see one this trip.)  Also...I've added Niagara Falls to my list.  And California is still on there.  I so want to GO and SEE as much as I can!!  And I don't even mind if it's all reserved to right here in the United States...there's still so much to see.  (I don't put a lot of hope in Matt ever letting me leave the country, but who knows????!! In the meantime, I'll be happy to see whatever I can see.  Just probably not the same thing twice!)

ANYWAY, we landed on staying in the Grand Canyon Village, because when I broke it all down to priority, what I realistically wanted to see was the Grand Canyon.  Staying in the park made it less of a hassle.  Plus...I was able to find rooms on short notice and at a decent the non-renovated section.  As it turns out, it was pretty isolated over there, and that just happens to be what I prefer. 

I have to I caught the tiniest glimpses of the Grand Canyon driving in, I found  myself tearing up.  My emotions can be so fickle, but I think I was just so overcome with gratitude that we had made it...that I was finally here and seeing this treasure with my own eyes.  I felt a little guilty that his were fixed on the road.  (But we are ALSO grateful he was willing to drive, because it is REALLY hard to keep my attention focused on the road in times like these!  And people tend to prefer to arrive alive.   Not saying I'm a bad driver!!  But...ask me about the other day on Ward Parkway.  Do NOT ask my son...)

We don't require a tall order on places to stay, because it is difficult (not to mention expensive) to get rooms for 7 people, but we definitely weren't "roughing it."  We had a good setup and made a comfortable spot for everyone.  We were within a half mile of the canyon.  I made a little habit of sitting down at the picnic table for my quiet morning time... I had my Bible and my cross-stitch.  (He, I later found out, made a little habit out of watching me at my picnic table from the bathroom window.  😂 💕)

And we explored...we hiked, we drove, we rested when we needed rest.  We had a great location to come and go as we needed.  We spent our time, stress-free, appreciating the beauty and our blessed little participation in it.

It was peacefully uneventful...well, as uneventful as life with me gets.  Suffice to say they were all good sports, and I think we all had a good time.  The end.

Here are some more pictures I don't have time or energy to match with words. (Just trying to get it done at this point!):

I'm tired.  Time for shows and nighty night.  Have a good one.  Happy Labor Day.  I hope your work week doesn't stink.  🍻  



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