There's No Place Like - Heading Home

PSYCH!!  Just when we thought I was done...I found more pictures.  

Can we go back and start over?  I mean, I would love to go back to the Grand Canyon for SOOOOO many reasons; but I would also like to start over with the whole trip-blog, because...I'm still finding pictures I missed.  One thing you should definitely know about me is that I don't always have my head on straight.  (Shocker, I know.)

Unfiltered.  I promise.  It's just naturally beautiful.  

At (most) times, you may find me completely disorganized, probably with my head in the clouds (or my nose in a book).  While my physical body may be present in the room...cognitively, I might very well be in a galaxy far, far away from my current reality.  (It's a fine line between fact and fiction.  Fortunately, I have (mostly) learned to tell the difference between the two.)

Another thing you should know is that I love taking pictures of dead trees.  It's just a little quirk you'll have to get used to, if you plan on sticking around.  (Oh!!  Pun seriously NOT intended...)

You may see me floating around happy as a hummingbird, when I just got the most devastating news of my life.  It's not that I am unaffected.  I am just choosing to not deal with my reality right then. Maybe, I'm just not "feeling it," but probably, I am just a little BIG confused and shelving it until I have a minute alone to process. 

Sometimes I struggle to take it all in...

There isn't enough blog space to explain all the oddities that make up a person, and I can only arrange 26 letters in so many (rather limited) combinations.  But it helps to have you know not to expect what you are expecting when you encounter me...and to not always believe what you see on the surface.

Just...don't judge a Kristen by her cover.  Ok?  

You never know what's hiding behind the facade. 

One of the best parts of staying in the park at the Grand Canyon is that we had easy access to the village area rim at all times of the day.  The drives to other views weren't bad, either.  (Though, we avoided anything that required a shuttle, and I think I might have to start treating myself for my late-onset agoraphobia.  Listen, deep down you know I love you's just...more on an "individual" - as opposed to "collective" - basis. 😬💕)

I've always only ever wanted my one best friend.  (At least one of you can understand.)

Did you know...they have quite a few shops within the Grand Canyon NP (and a pretty reasonable grocery store???). We liked the little "bookstore" right around the Bright Angel Trail, but we also enjoyed the store at Desert View Tower.  That's where I ended up finding a little kit to make a llama toy out of sticks - ancient human style - and this WONDERFUL wedding basket weaving kit.  There were so many cool Native American weavings there!!  I wish I could have met the makers, but I am excited to get to BE a maker myself!   You know how I LOVE to make.

I have a body fragrance someone gave me called "Cactus Blossom."  I think it is fitting for SO many reasons.  This reminded me of a few.  👆 (Every Kristen Has Her Thorn. 😬)

(Digression Alert - It also reminded me of new pet Venus flytrap I got instead of a fish.  We all know I can NOT handle another fish right now.  Did I TELL you about my rabbit tragedy??!!  Meet me in my office...I'll only charge you a Coke and some Kleenex...)

Speaking of Desert View Tower (it's there, I promise), we are glad we visited this popular viewing point.  We were too late for the tower entry, but we made it in plenty of time for a BEAUTIFUL sunset.  And once again, the crowd was NOT bad at all (...even to a budding agoraphobe).

It's breath-taking and overwhelming, and I will NEVER understand how someone can feel 2 opposite things at the same time.  Isn't that a conundrum???

Speaking of Bright Angel Trail (though I do tend to deviate), we had a bit of a disagreement about hiking the decline.  I decided it was too much to try to take on with everyone, (even for a 1/2 mile).  So, Matt and I ended up taking the boys on a route we'd walked alone that morning.  

I was on the fence about letting Dillon hike down.  He could have managed the incline coming back, for sure.  Honestly, I was more concerned about his tendency toward careless impulsivity than his kinesthetic ability.  

Do you remember all the injuries we've stacked up to date??  Well...please don't get me started on his latest short story- Dillon's First Car Wreck.  Just 1) We are grateful he and his friends will come away healed 2) Is it ok to back-hand your child upside the head when he is already concussed and traumatized???  3) You would not judge me if you knew all the details, I promise.

Again, we are just grateful he learned his lesson without even worse consequences.

Did you know Matt originally offered to take me somewhere ALONE for our 25th anniversary vacation? It would have been a lot cheaper, I'm sure.  Definitely more peaceful.  (I think I'm a glutton for punishment.)   

But...for all the talk on loving my alone time, there is always this aching piece of my heart that wants to hang on to each and every moment I get with my precious "clutch."  I know that time is ALWAYS fleeting.  It's as if I am an eagle watching them sit on the cliff just building up their courage to fly.   And I want to hold on and never let go.  I hate letting go.'s so empty when they leave.

So, instead, I pleaded (Threw a tantrum, actually.  You should see how scary that is!) for one (probably...just hanging on again) last (I have trouble committing) great big whole (intact) FAMILY road trip.  (Whew.  I need a breather.)

There may have been times I challenged (regretted???) that decision along the way.  There may have been times I questioned my sanity.  There may have been times I closed my eyes and dreamed of all the other (much more peaceful) options I could have taken for myself...or hung back a few paces and pretended I was there. 

In total reality...the trade off has been worth it.  This vacation was intense and overwhelming at times.  Our lives are intense and overwhelming.  We both know who to blame (for someone so smart, Kristen, you sure can be stupid!).  However, all things considered, I wouldn't change a thing.  Our lives have also been quite full.

After all...there will be plenty of time to sleep...

You CAN'T say I didn't warn you!

Now, for highlights on our travel home:

I wasn't able to identify this wildlife species.  But...He appeared to be HAPPY and well fed!  💕


I spent a LOT of time driving in the car with boys.  I will say this one more time.  It's B-YOOT.  Butte.

We broke up the trip home and stopped twice, oldest daughter still likes to play with rocks.  Check out -MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK

We visited the Far View Community Sites, because we only had one evening.  (Accommodations were very basic and service is non-existent.  It seems to be a popular destination for archaeologists and college professors, but it was right up Kristen Alley.  Such a nerd!)

Via the website, "The Far View area was once an extensive farming community and one of the most densely populated regions of the Mesa Verde."  It was inhabited as long ago as 800 a.d. and provides "archeological evidence" of "thriving mesa top communities."  We did not get to see the more famous "cliff dwellings," but the mesa communities pre-date them, and now we have a valid reason to return...maybe for a few days next time.

Archaeologists believe these rock carvings were made to mark the solstices (longest and shortest days of the year).

Far View House

Far View House

Part of the megalithic house.

Megalithic House this point, I don't remember...

And I'm too lazy to look it up.

 Lovely view. 💕 

My FAVORITE part: Wild Horses!   I had this vague notion they kept trying to drag me away???

And THAT my friends just about sums it up - our GRAND CANYON family vacation.  There is only one more story I neglected to tell, and it is one of my favorite parts.  On our way in, we got to see one of those dust devil mini-tornados.  It was JUST LIKE a cartoon.  Only it was REAL!  I watched it form and cross the road, hitting the car in front of us...and as we (probably naively) drove right through it, it visibly shook our car.  Just the right amount of exciting!

Ok...there is also the time, on the way home, where Matt took just me to Barnes and Noble, and I told him it was the best part of my vacation.  But...that's just...

(Evan's view)

💕 Kristen


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