Twenty years! Twenty stinking, pretty awesome, some horrendous, years, my homies. I mean...between you and me...I was initially surprised he had kept my interest for 3 months. Just sayin'...I kind of have a notoriously short attention span. And I mean to tell you..this guy has earned ALL of those 20 years. He has held tight with his passionate, angry Irishman, loyal-and-I-demand-your-loyalty passion through some very tough (word I'm not allowed to say out loud, let alone refer to on my blog). But...speaking of weddings. Oh my goodness...were you NOT there?!! Because ALL of my homies deserve a very personal invitation to my wedding...I mean, the biggest day of my life, right?!! And even if you WERE there, I'm sure you would like to relive that special moment, for sure. (Actually, if you are really close, you will appreciate the visual of the many, many ones we have lost since August 14, 1999. 💕) So, here is your very personal, ...