Can You Keep a Secret?
...and for future reference, I can NOT (just ask my sister). be honest, I am A LOT better at it now. Chalk it up to the whole MA Counseling thing. I can, now, keep secrets AND withhold judgment with the best of them. For your sake, alone...what can I say? But...anyway. My current big secret is the dog park. ('s a little embarrassingly pathetic now that I read it, too. That's the mom life, though. You tend to lose all forms of humility...and freedom. Definitely, you lose all freedom.) But...all is not lost for #KristenShanna, because I now have the dog park. Do you not remember my phobia of big dogs? Officially desensitized since I met my new giant canine best friend, Loki. (Of course, my favorite would be Loki...and if that doesn't strike you as typical, you don't know a lot about me.) Loki is a gentle giant, and he has pretty much nothing in common with my favorite, conflicted villain. (H...