The Grand Finale...
Leaving Colorado was tough, and not just because we carried with us an unmentionable stowaway we'll just call "Walter." We were also sad to be leaving a wonderful, beloved place. As with all of our vacations, we had our ups and downs in Colorado. I find (no matter how hard I focus on mindfulness and gratitude in the moment) I never tend to fully enjoy a vacation as much during the travels as I do in retrospect and reflection. (Hence the blog...Is it just me???). I make an effort to appreciate the now and focus on the positive later. Sometimes I even put aside the camera to force my focus. (I'm glad I didn't do that this 👆 day!!) With age comes wisdom. We were a little nervous about the next and longest leg of our road trip. We've never travelled through this part of the country. We did have that Yellowstone /Glacier National Park tour to remember that there are still parts of this country that remain VERY under populated. There is ...